Adult Dependent

Adult Dependent Relative Visa

The Adult Dependent Relative Visa is an immigration route that enables eligible applicants with long-term personal care needs to come to the UK to be looked after by their close relative who is either a British national, settled or has a refugee or humanitarian status. Parents, grandparents, siblings, and adult children can qualify for the ADR route, provided that they are 18 years of age and above and require extensive and indefinite care due to illness, old age, or disability. If you are considering applying for the ADR visa, here are the eligibility requirements you need to meet:

Eligibility Criteria for the UK Adult Dependent Visa

To successfully qualify for the ADR route, you need to prove that:

  • You are a parent, grandparent, sibling, or child who requires extensive and indefinite care due to illness, old age, or disability.
  • Your British relative can support, accommodate, and care for you without recourse to public funds for at least five years.
  • The treatment or care in your home country is not affordable or reasonable, and no other person in your country can provide you with long-term personal care, including all the household tasks like cooking, washing, cleaning, etc.
  • You must provide extensive medical, identification, and information reports.
  • You have not been convicted of any serious criminal offence and meet the character suitability requirements per Section S-EC: Suitability-entry clearance of Appendix FM.

In addition to these requirements, your UK sponsor (relative) must also satisfy the following criteria:

  • Be a British or Irish National, or
  • Have pre-settled status (EEA nationals living in the UK before 1 January 2021), or
  • Have settled status and provide proof of Indefinite leave to remain, settled status or permanent residence, or
  • Hold refugee status or humanitarian protection.

The Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) Route Rules

Before applying for the ADR visa/route, it is essential to understand the rules and regulations. According to the eligible sponsorship category, if your UK sponsor is not either settled or a British citizen with limited leave to remain status, then:

  • You will also have limited leave to remain with a similar validity as the sponsor’s limited leave without claiming public funds.
  • You (applicants) can then apply online for entry clearance from outside the UK. Remember that you cannot switch to the ADR route in the UK unless you have an ILR status.
  • The stringent ADR policy is one of the means to minimize the UK taxpayers’ burden towards NHS and local authority social care benefits. This is true, particularly when the adult-dependent relative could adequately avail of long-term care in their country of residence. Additionally, the ADR rules offer some pros. For instance, the sponsors of an Adult dependent relative can immediately settle in the UK with full British citizenship rights- complete access to NHS and other state benefits. Hence, ADR rules can overcome most of the concerns and financial gaps for both the applicants and the sponsors should the economic circumstances change for the relative settled in the UK.

Supporting Documents Needed to Apply for a Dependent Adult Relative Visa

Before you apply for the ADR (dependent adult visa), your UK relative (sponsor) must provide the following evidence with the undertaking.

Details of the family relationship between you (the applicant) and your UK relative, provide birth or adoption certificates, etc.

Independent Medical records from doctors/ other professional therapists stating that the applicant explicitly requires extensive care due to the inability to perform everyday household tasks due to mental and physical condition.

Evidence that the applicant cannot access adequate medical treatments/long-term care from their home country despite the full financial support from the UK’s sponsor.

A signed undertaking from the sponsor of an adult-dependent relative that they are responsible for providing sufficient.

From Our Clients​
belinda kuagbelabelinda kuagbela
22:59 15 Apr 24
syed dibaSyed Diba
12:53 07 Feb 24
Romana Kousar is a experienced solicitor who helped me alot and guided me for my immigration matter. I will still be facing difficulties if i did not have her as my lawyer. I recommend everyone to come to her.
farhana rahmanFarhana Rahman
18:07 06 Feb 24
The staff were very helpful in arranging a quick advice appointment. On arrival they were friendly and Romana reviewed our case thoroughly, provided us with vaulable advice and many options. We felt relieved that we had a positive case as we were stressing over a sponsorship visa. Highly recommend Legal pathway solicitors as they are very helpful and professional.
rabia aliRabia Ali
13:34 16 Aug 23
I am so happy today as I got good news for my case! First I did not know what to do and things were difficult for me. I had been to many lawyers. Then finally met a trustworthy solicitor Romana Kousar who really helped me so much. I can not thank her enough for what she has done for me. I will always recommend her.
faheem ghaznaviFaheem Ghaznavi
10:15 22 Jul 23
All i want to say is how knowledgable and helpful person Romana is. She handled my file and always gave me good advice. She always listened to my problems. I was in a messy situation. I am so glad someone recommended me to her. Well done Romana keep doing hard work.
sumera ahmadSumera Ahmad
09:16 22 Jul 23
Excellent Solicitor Romana. We got high standard care on our court case. She helped me win in court. She made communication easy and everything was clear for me.
belinda kuagbelabelinda kuagbela
22:59 15 Apr 24
syed dibaSyed Diba
12:53 07 Feb 24
Romana Kousar is a experienced solicitor who helped me alot and guided me for my immigration matter. I will still be facing difficulties if i did not have her as my lawyer. I recommend everyone to come to her.
farhana rahmanFarhana Rahman
18:07 06 Feb 24
The staff were very helpful in arranging a quick advice appointment. On arrival they were friendly and Romana reviewed our case thoroughly, provided us with vaulable advice and many options. We felt relieved that we had a positive case as we were stressing over a sponsorship visa. Highly recommend Legal pathway solicitors as they are very helpful and professional.
rabia aliRabia Ali
13:34 16 Aug 23
I am so happy today as I got good news for my case! First I did not know what to do and things were difficult for me. I had been to many lawyers. Then finally met a trustworthy solicitor Romana Kousar who really helped me so much. I can not thank her enough for what she has done for me. I will always recommend her.
faheem ghaznaviFaheem Ghaznavi
10:15 22 Jul 23
All i want to say is how knowledgable and helpful person Romana is. She handled my file and always gave me good advice. She always listened to my problems. I was in a messy situation. I am so glad someone recommended me to her. Well done Romana keep doing hard work.
sumera ahmadSumera Ahmad
09:16 22 Jul 23
Excellent Solicitor Romana. We got high standard care on our court case. She helped me win in court. She made communication easy and everything was clear for me.
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