Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Legal Pathway Solicitors is wholly committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the confidentiality of your personal information.

This privacy declaration outlines how Legal Pathway Solicitors (also referred to as “Legal Pathway,” “our firm,” or “we”) manages and protects any information you offer. This policy encompasses all personal details we acquire, utilise, or manage linked to your website interaction, communications with us, or as we aid clients or prospects with immigration law concerns or requirements.

This policy remains effective irrespective of the means through which we receive your information, be it via this website, subsequent communications, or any other medium.

Preserving your privacy is of paramount importance to us. Rest assured, any details you provide or that we amass during your website interaction will be treated in harmony with this privacy declaration.

All personal data treated by Legal Pathway Solicitors in accordance with this Privacy Policy is under the stewardship of Legal Pathway Solicitors, who is recognized as the lawful “data controller” of your information. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has provided Legal Pathway Solicitors with the registration number Registration reference: [New Registration Number Here]. Our appointed data protection officer is  Faret Bibi.

We may make occasional updates to this policy by revising our website. We recommend checking this page from time to time to be informed of any adjustments.


What does personal information entail?

Personal information encompasses any data that could be used to distinguish you. This might include identifiers like your name, contact details, and immigration status. It may also pertain to your interactions with our website and mobile applications.


How and when do we acquire personal information?

As part of our professional operations, we might capture data about you. This encompasses details registered automatically upon your website visit or information you voluntarily offer when reaching out to us for service inquiries or to determine how we can support you. You have multiple channels to contact us, be it phone, email, or our website’s enquiry form.

In our commitment to deliver outstanding legal services, it becomes essential for us to collect information not only from you but also from other relevant parties. When you engage our services, we capture and process personal data to best serve your needs.

Additionally, interactions with our employees or patrons may also reveal certain particulars about you.


Which specific data about you do we obtain and manage?

While our website and affiliated social media channels might provide insights like the web pages you explore and your geographical location, we don’t automatically register information that distinctly identifies a visitor. However, when you reach out via phone, email, or our website, we may amass:

Your name and professional title;
Relevant contact data, including phone numbers and email addresses;
Demographic details, such as postal codes;
Fundamental specifics regarding your occupation and affiliations;
Preliminary information about your legal/immigration status or the crux of your legal quandary when conveyed through our web enquiry form;
Any supplementary insights or evidence you wish to present.
When availing our services, we might need to delve deeper, accumulating more comprehensive data for client acceptance, which may include documents related to your identity or background checks. This can span:

Details pertaining to your travel and food preferences for our meetings;
Financial specifics regarding fee settlements;
Personal data, generated as we extend legal services to you or another party, which might encompass specific data classes;
Any other personal information you opt to share.
At times, our duty towards a client necessitates obtaining personal data about third parties. Such data is managed, retained, processed, and eventually disposed of in alignment with this policy. Only when legally allowable and essential to fulfil the agreed legal services, we retain such indirectly procured information related to individuals beyond our client roster.


What is our legal basis for managing your information?

The processing of your personal data is underpinned by the following legal reasons:

To fulfil contractual obligations, such as aiding you or our clients with legal cases upon engagement;
To comply with legal and regulatory directives;
For legitimate business endeavours;
To present or defend against legal claims or disputes.

How do we manage your personal information?

Legal Pathway Solicitors gathers and processes your details through various methods.

Our analysis of high-level data from website traffic aids in enhancing our website’s experience, aiming to make it more relevant and beneficial for our patrons.

When you submit an enquiry inclusive of personal data, it enables us to cater to you as a prospective client. Such information is pivotal to gauge your requirements and render superior services.

Upon choosing our legal services, the personal data you furnish undergoes collection, creation, processing, storage, and application in relation to the services we offer. This involves processing identification and background details to align with our anti-money laundering and regulatory checks. Furthermore, we manage personal data to facilitate the legal tasks we undertake on your behalf.

In essence, we employ personal data to:

  • Elevate our services, including enhancing our website’s user experience;
  • Furnish the details you seek;
  • Oversee and nurture our relationship with you and our clientele;
  • Deliver legal assistance to you and our clients;
  • Maintain internal records and adhere to our legal, regulatory, and risk management mandates, which encompasses both asserting and defending legal claims;
  • Aid in recruitment processes;
  • From time to time, we might dispatch updates or bulletins pertinent to shifts in immigration law or updates about our firm and services to the email you’ve shared (you reserve the right to opt-out anytime);
  • On occasion, your details might be leveraged for market studies or to solicit feedback. We might reach out via email, phone, or traditional mail;
  • Moreover, your data aids us in tailoring our website content based on your preferences.


Cookies Overview

Cookies essentially enable web applications to treat you as a unique user. Through cookies, web applications can adapt their functionalities to align with your preferences and requirements.

At Legal Pathway Solicitors, we utilise traffic log cookies to discern which of our website pages are frequented the most. Notably, sections of our website incorporate Google Analytics, a web analytics service offered by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Through cookies, Google Analytics assists us in understanding user interactions with our website.

The data captured by these cookies related to your website interactions is typically transmitted and housed on Google servers located in the United States. Google harnesses this data to scrutinise your website interactions, curate reports on website activities for site administrators, and offer additional services linked to website engagement and overall internet use. Such insights aid us in refining our website to better resonate with our clients’ preferences.

It’s essential to understand that we employ this data strictly for statistical analyses, after which the data is purged from our system. Google might disclose this information to third parties if legally mandated or if such third parties are tasked with processing this data on Google’s behalf. Rest assured, your IP address remains detached from any other data that Google possesses.

If you wish, you can opt out of cookie usage by adjusting your browser’s settings. Yet, bear in mind that this might restrict some of the functionalities of our website. By navigating this website, you imply your consent to Google processing your data in the described manner and for the aforementioned purposes.

In essence, cookies enhance your browsing experience on our site by letting us identify the pages you find most beneficial. Cookies don’t grant us access to your computer or any personal data about you, beyond what you voluntarily disclose.

You’re always at liberty to accept or decline cookies. While many browsers instinctively accept cookies, you can always alter your settings to reject them. This, however, might limit your browsing experience on our website.


Links to External Websites

Our website might offer links to other websites that you may find intriguing. However, it’s important to recognize that once you use these external links to exit our website, our influence over that external site ceases. As a result, we can’t vouch for the safety and privacy of any data you furnish while visiting such external sites; our privacy policy doesn’t cover them. We recommend prudence and reviewing the pertinent privacy policy of the external site.


Handling Your Personal Details

In the context of the services we extend to you, there might be occasions where it becomes imperative to share your personal data with third entities, such as the Court, the Home Office, or when seeking expertise on your behalf. This is only done after obtaining your consent or when mandated by law.

There might be instances where we have to (or are obligated to) relay personal data to regulatory bodies, courts, tribunals, governmental entities, or law enforcement agencies when needed. While we will always strive to keep you informed of such actions, there might be times when the law prohibits such notifications.

Occasionally, to offer optimal service, some of your personal details are shared with trusted third parties with whom we’ve forged service agreements. This includes, but isn’t limited to, our legal consultants, accountants, auditors, IT service facilitators, and cloud-based IT infrastructure providers. A comprehensive roster of these service providers is diligently maintained, assessed, and updated, and clients can access it upon request.

We assure you that we will neither sell nor lease your personal details to any third party for promotional activities or any other objectives.


Safeguarding Your Personal Details

At Legal Pathway Solicitors, our primary concern is the safety of your information. We employ a blend of technological and tangible security protocols to ensure this.

To provide you with a contemporary and efficient service, we rely on select cloud-based service partners. This list includes Google Drive, LEAP, XERO, GHL, and Microsoft 365, which powers our cloud-based case management system.

Our collaboration with these providers is predicated on their adherence to the pinnacle of internet and digital safety standards. We have meticulously evaluated and ratified their data privacy and protection policies, and we have binding contracts in place to fortify the security of your information.

Please note, some of our service partners operate internationally, which might necessitate transferring your personal details between locations inside and outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Since the data protection standards outside the EEA can sometimes vary, we meticulously assess the policies of international service providers. In instances where our partners manage your personal data outside the EEA in the course of providing their services, our contractual relationship with them mandates stringent measures for optimal data safety.

We’ve also implemented rigorous precautions to guard against unauthorised access, illegal processing, unintentional loss, harm, and annihilation of your information.

Nevertheless, we must advise that transmitting personal data through our website or via email carries inherent risks, and you do so at your discretion.


Duration of Retaining Your Personal Details

Trust in us to handle your personal data with the utmost care, aligning with our data retention policy. This policy defines the duration for which we preserve specific data categories and the timelines for their eventual disposal.

Our principle is to keep personal details only for the necessary period corresponding to its purpose of collection and use.

Destruction timelines are determined sensibly and are in balance with our legal, regulatory, and record-keeping responsibilities. This includes the obligatory duration for record retention and time limits for initiating legal actions, aligning with best practices and our operational needs.


Your Role in Data Safety

While we’re committed to safeguarding your data, you can also adopt certain practices to bolster this security:

When reaching out to us through email, ensure that your devices are both encrypted and protected by pin-lock.
Equip your computers, iPads, phones, and other electronic gadgets with robust encryption and virus protection.
Maintain the confidentiality of any login credentials.
Stay alert and critical of unexpected emails prompting you for password verifications, bank details, or money transfers to third parties. Such emails, often termed ‘phishing’, aim to illicitly extract personal details under false pretences.


Your Information Access and Rights:

The GDPR lays out specific rights for individuals concerning their personal data.

Access: You can ask for a copy of the personal data we have about you.

Note: If the information you request is associated with one of our client’s legal matters and was provided to us by them, legal professional privilege may prevent us from sharing it with you.

Rectification: If you believe any of your details are incorrect, please let us know, and we’ll promptly make necessary corrections.

Erasure (Right to be Forgotten): You can ask us to delete your data. This request is subject to any regulatory or legal reasons we might have to keep it.

Restriction: You can request that we limit how we use your personal data.

Data Portability: Under certain circumstances, you can ask that your data be transferred to another organisation.

Objection & Consent Withdrawal: If you’re uncomfortable with how we’re using your data or have previously given us consent and now wish to retract it, please inform us. However, note that this might impact our ability to serve you. Even after withdrawing consent, legal and regulatory duties might necessitate continued processing of your data.

To exercise any of the rights mentioned above, please email us at or write to us. We aim to respond within 14 days of receiving requests. If we require more time, we’ll let you know the reasons and the extended timeframe.

Should you have concerns about how we’re handling your data, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Find more details at the UK Government’s Data Protection page.

To help us maintain accurate records, please notify us of any changes to your personal data by emailing


Protecting Your Data

Your personal data is essential to us, serving primarily to offer you legal services. We also utilise it for related aspects like administration, billing, record-keeping, and informing you of our services and relevant events.

Our handling of your personal data is governed by your directives, the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), associated UK laws, and our binding professional confidentiality commitment.


Commitment to Privacy

We prioritise your privacy. Our Privacy Policy elucidates the methods and reasons for our data collection, processing, and storage. It also outlines your rights concerning your data. You can access this policy on our website at [insert link]. Should you desire a hard copy or a verbal explanation, please reach out.

We collaborate with third-party providers, including cloud services, to ensure we deliver efficient and cost-effective legal solutions. This collaboration may include tasks such as document hosting, sharing, or processing. Rest assured, these third parties are bound by agreements that align with our legal and ethical commitments, encompassing confidentiality and data protection.

Should you direct us to employ a different provider for specific tasks, please understand that we won’t be accountable for their data security measures.

Be informed that for training and compliance, we may record phone conversations and monitor emails. When you reach out through any communication method, you’re granting permission for us to engage with you for marketing. This might encompass updates on legal news, our services, exclusive deals, or new offerings.

However, should you wish to discontinue receiving promotional messages, you can:

Email us at

Click the ‘unsubscribe’ link in our emails

Get In Touch
For any clarifications or inquiries related to the above, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Legal Pathway Solicitors at